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By Shula Chisha

Examining our way of life, encompassing conversations, dressing, and associations, it becomes glaringly evident that adultery holds sway among both single and married individuals. A closer look at how our society has rapidly shed every fiber of morality regarding sex unveils an undeniable truth – we are an adulterous and promiscuous generation.

It raises questions about when the realization will dawn that an individual’s true value is not exclusively showcased through external appearances but rather through their deeds, be they good or bad. The most astonishing aspect lies in witnessing adults in their mid-40s, who claim to have experienced it all, being influenced by young adults to the point where their dressing, drinking habits, and musical preferences no longer align with the traditional markers of adulthood.

Regrettably, there is little hope in sight regarding whether we have the capacity to rectify this situation. If left unchecked, the erosion of morals, which serves as the anchor for every good society, will become perpetual and indescribable.

To put an end to these significant societal issues, concerted efforts are required from all age groups, spanning from the youngest to the oldest. It is imperative that as a society, we strive to revert to the golden old days when morals, values, and good cultural practices were not only held in high esteem but also conserved at all costs.

About Author:

Shula Chisha, a distinguished Zambian educator, boasts a profound expertise in the English language. Beyond academia, he stands as a paragon of conservative values in today’s evolving family landscape. Mr. Chisha not only imparts knowledge in his teaching capacity but also serves as a beacon of wisdom in matters of family dynamics. As a devoted family man, revered church leader, and resolute businessman, he exemplifies a harmonious blend of intellect, values, and entrepreneurial spirit.

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